

What is life without a good challenge? And what can be better than facing that challenges with other women?

About Coastrek

Coastrek takes the concept of walking a long way in a day or two and combines it with a great cause — raising money for the Heart Foundation.

Every team raises over $2,000 and is rewarded with a 60km, 45km or 30km walk along beautiful Australian coastlines in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia or Queensland for their efforts.

Being out on the trail and hearing the inspiring stories of so many people keeps bringing me back every year.

Why I’m Involved

“I’m not an endurance athlete by any stretch of the imagination. When I was racing, I was a sprinter.

Coastrek’s taught me about endurance and also how strong my mindset can be. I have to say the Sunshine Coastrek in 2017 was so hard.

I didn’t want to pull out in 2017… and the fact that I was able to work through it and finish at the end with my girlfriends was such an awesome feeling.”

Visit Coastrek

Can you walk? Do you like the great outdoors? Do you want to walk through the great outdoors with friends?

Fantastic! You’re a perfect fit for doing Coastrek with me. I can’t wait to see you out there :)